08 March, 2021
Does your friend’s good news fill you with envy instead of happiness? Jealousy is a normal emotion that can help us learn more about what’s important to us and what we want in life. We sometimes... Read more
18 February, 2021
Do you ever worry you’re not as good as you seem? Like you have no clue what you’re doing and it’s only a matter of time until others find out? If you feel you’re ‘tricking' people into... Read more
10 February, 2021
Can positivity be a bad thing? The phrase “toxic positivity” refers to the idea that having a positive attitude and “good vibes only” is the best way to live. It tells us that negative emotions are... Read more
20 January, 2021
They say our differences bring us closer together, but this isn’t always the case when it comes to politics, religion, and other topics that can be sensitive. It’s normal for us to disagree on... Read more
18 December, 2020
Do you lose your cool over what other people might consider to be minor hassles? Do you let being stuck in traffic, spilling your coffee, or a rude cashier ruin your day? Constantly getting upset... Read more
