01 February, 2024
When your children grow up, it’s natural for your relationship with them to change. However, if you’re arguing or experiencing conflict with your grown children, it can feel upsetting. You may feel... Read more
02 January, 2024
Every person, no matter how old they are, deserves to feel safe and cared about by their family, partner, friends, and carers. Neglect is the failure to provide someone with necessities such as food... Read more
23 October, 2023
Do you use control over your partner to get what you want?  Controlling partners use power and control through manipulative behaviours such as blame, guilt, and criticism. Controlling behaviour... Read more
18 July, 2023
One in six older Australians report experiencing elder abuse in the past year. Certain factors can affect one’s vulnerability to abuse. Here are some lifestyle habits that can help protect yourself... Read more
05 July, 2023
An Enduring Power of Attorney (EPOA) gives someone else the legal power to make health and financial decisions on your behalf. Misusing an EPOA against an older person is a form of elder abuse... Read more
