13 July, 2023

We recognise that this is a significant and historic moment for the First Nations (Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples) of this country and offers an opportunity to leave a legacy for future generations of all Australians - this message is for everyone:

As First Nations who work for RAQ, we want to be heard on the important issue of The Voice to Parliament. We have taken the time to listen and speak with each other on this and other topics.

As a collective, we acknowledge the diversity of First Nations experiences and perspectives that informed our conversation. The majority support The Voice to Parliament.

We see this as an opportunity for all Australians to be part of an intentional healing journey for our people and to unify our country.

This means that at all levels, and where you can:

  • Take personal and professional responsibility not to engage with misinformation, but to learn the true history of the world’s oldest continuing culture
  • Understand the ongoing colonial impact on past, current, and future generations of First Nations Peoples in every aspect of our lives
  • Develop and maintain accountable governance structures and systems that listen and respond effectively to First Nations Peoples Voice
  • Commit to and resource Cultural Fitness as a measurement of our business success
  • Create safe spaces for people to be curious and have constructive conversations for the benefit of all
  • Advocate and amplify First Nations voices within your circles of influence
  • Recognise the unique status and cultural connection, wisdom, and knowledge that First Nations have always held and will hold forever with our inherent right to self-determination.

We recognise, acknowledge, and respect the struggle and visionary work of our Elders and Ancestors in bringing us to this significant point – namely, the Voice to Parliament.